import tensorflow as tf import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np ################################ # inputs numObjects = 16 embeddingSize = 2 batchSize = 512 learningRate = 0.01 ################################ # generate data. def gendatabalanced( num ): """Synthetic problem: make adjacent pairs compatible and non-adjacent incompatible for pairs of objects. Make pair (x,y) x is always less than y and self-pairs are not included. Make balance of positive and negative examples for training as there are N^2 pairs but only 2N are compatible so there would only be 1/N postive examples if not balanced. """ myx = [] myy = [] while len(myx)=(y-1)): x = random.randrange(numObjects) y = random.randrange(numObjects) target = [1,0] myx.append([x,y]) myy.append(target) assert(y-x != 1) # compatible x = random.randrange(numObjects-1) y = x+1 target = [0,1] myx.append([x,y]) myy.append(target) assert(y-x == 1) return( (myx, myy) ) def gendatasample( num ): """Synthetic problem: make adjacent pairs compatible and non-adjacent incompatible for pairs of objects. Make pair (x,y) x is always less than y and self-pairs are not included. Don't try to balance positive and negatives. """ myx = [] myy = [] while len(myx)=y): x = random.randrange(numObjects) y = random.randrange(numObjects) if (y-x != 1): target = [1,0] else: target = [0,1] myx.append([x,y]) myy.append(target) return( (myx, myy) ) # pick the data to be used gendata = gendatasample ################################ # compute errors def errors( truth, pred ): type = [] TP=0 TN=0 FP=0 FN=0 for ii in range(len(truth)): if truth[ii][1]>0.5: if pred[ii][1]>0.5: TP+=1 type.append("TP") else: FN+=1 type.append("FN") else: if pred[ii][1]>0.5: FP+=1 type.append("FP") else: TN+=1 type.append("TN") err = float(FP+FN)/float(TP+FN+FP+TN) fpr = float(FP)/float(FP+TN) fnr = float(FN)/float(FN+TP) perf = "\t".join(["TP","FP","FN","TN","err","fnr","fpr"]) + "\n" + "\t".join([str(xx) for xx in (TP,FP,FN,TN,err,fnr,fpr)]) return( (perf, type)) ################################ # The tensorflow graph # input batchSize by two integer object numbers inputData = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None,2]) # target is batchSize probability of compatible: [1-Prob(compat), Prob(compat)] target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,2]) # embedding #with tf.device("/cpu:0"): # this is the matrix of embedding vectors. rows=objects. cols=embedding. random [-1,1] embedding = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([numObjects, embeddingSize], -1.0, 1.0), name="embedding") # simply pull out the corresponding embedding vectors and format into needed shape """ # inputsData[batchNum] = [obj0, obj1] -> inputs[batchNum] = [ x0,y0, x1,y1 ] # this example shows is 2d embedding trainX [[1, 3], [2, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1]] emap [ [[ 0.0630455 0.33276749] [-0.02014232 0.20366192]] [[ 0.39619446 0.9422543 ] [-0.02014232 0.20366192]] [[-0.11473703 -0.17519975] [ 0.39619446 0.9422543 ]] [[-0.11473703 -0.17519975] [ 0.0630455 0.33276749]]] # reshape take two 2d points and make 4d vector inputs [[ 0.0630455 0.33276749 -0.02014232 0.20366192] [ 0.39619446 0.9422543 -0.02014232 0.20366192] [-0.11473703 -0.17519975 0.39619446 0.9422543 ] [-0.11473703 -0.17519975 0.0630455 0.33276749]] """ # pull out the embedding vectors from integer id emap = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, inputData) # reshape to feed pair of points as single vector per datapoint inputs = tf.reshape(emap , [-1, 2*embeddingSize]) # Set model to linear function to logit [1-p,p] 2d prediction vector softmaxW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2*embeddingSize,2],stddev=0.1), name="softmaxW") softmaxB = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1,2], stddev=0.1), name="softmaxB") logits = tf.matmul(inputs, softmaxW ) + softmaxB probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits) # cross entropy loss = \sum( -log(P prediction) of correct label)/N. Jensens E(logX)<=logE(X). cross = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits, target)) # optimize optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learningRate).minimize(cross) ################################ # plotting functions #### this is the learned discriminant function def discr(x0,y0, x1, y1): logist =[x0,y0, x1, y1]), mysoftmaxW) + mysoftmaxB[0] pp = np.exp(logist)/np.sum(np.exp(logist)) return(pp[1]) #mysoftmaxW = np.array( [[0.450804,-0.626091],[1.027304,-1.084781],[-0.791180,1.001851],[-0.615959,0.632576]]) #mysoftmaxB = np.array([[-0.762030,0.687679]]) def plotit(myepoch): # draw the points themselves plt.plot(myembedding[:,0], myembedding[:,1], "o") plt.plot(myembedding[:,0], myembedding[:,1], "-") for ii in range(numObjects): plt.text(myembedding[ii,0],myembedding[ii,1],str(ii)) # plot the postive class contours for the first 4 points in k,r,g,b colors cc=['k','r','g','b'] n = 32 x = np.linspace( np.min(myembedding[:,0]), np.max(myembedding[:,0]),n) y = np.linspace(np.min(myembedding[:,1]),np.max(myembedding[:,1]) ,n) xx,yy=np.meshgrid(x,y) for k in range(4): vals = np.zeros(shape=(n,n)) for ii in range(len(x)): for jj in range(len(y)): # value of the discrimination function for the kth point at the grid points vv = discr(myembedding[k,0],myembedding[k,1],xx[ii,jj],yy[ii,jj]) vals[ii,jj] = vv cs = plt.contour(xx,yy,vals,colors=cc[k]) plt.clabel(cs) #### For sanity plot where the 0.5 probability point is between objects 1 and 3. #### step along line 0 to 1 and plot where value is closest to 0.5 aa = myembedding[1] bb = myembedding[3] err = 99999.9 best = [-1,-1] for ii in range(32): tp = (ii/32.0)*aa + (1.0-ii/32.0)*bb pp = discr(aa[0],aa[1],tp[0],tp[1]) if abs(pp-0.5)>ofp, "epoch\tcross\terr" for epoch in range(600): res =[cross, optimizer], feed_dict={inputData: trainX, target: trainY}) print epoch, res[0] if epoch % 3 == 0: results={"cross":cross,"embedding":embedding, "softmaxW":softmaxW, "softmaxB": softmaxB, "probs":probs}, feed_dict={inputData: trainX, target: trainY}) # pull out the variables for plotting myembedding= results["embedding"] mysoftmaxW = results["softmaxW"] mysoftmaxB = results["softmaxB"] plotit(epoch) myerror=errors(trainY, results["probs"]) err = myerror[0].splitlines()[1].split("\t")[4] print >>ofp, "%d\t%f\t%s" % (epoch, results["cross"],err) ofp.close() # compute final training items after training results={"cross":cross,"embedding":embedding, "softmaxW":softmaxW, "softmaxB": softmaxB, "probs":probs}, feed_dict={inputData: trainX, target: trainY}) for (k,v) in results.items(): print k, v err = errors(trainY, results["probs"]) print "errors:\n", err[0] # pull out the variables to use later, no more training so shouldn't change myembedding= results["embedding"] mysoftmaxW = results["softmaxW"] mysoftmaxB = results["softmaxB"] ################################ print "---- testing results" # generate new data (testX, testY) = gendata(batchSize) # compute items on test data for computed model results={"cross":cross, "probs":probs}, feed_dict={inputData: testX, target: testY}) for (k,v) in results.items(): print k, v err = errors(testY, results["probs"]) print "errors:\n", err[0] ################################ print "---- all pairs results" # generate all pairs with correct labels testX=[] testY=[] for ii in range(numObjects-1): for jj in range(ii+1, numObjects): testX.append([ii,jj]) if jj==(ii+1): testY.append([0,1]) else: testY.append([1,0]) # compute items on pair data for computed model results={"cross":cross,"probs":probs}, feed_dict={inputData: testX, target: testY}) for (k,v) in results.items(): print k, v err = errors(testY, results["probs"]) print "errors:\n", err[0] # print the results of all pairs # for ii in range(len(err[1])): # myx = myembedding[testX[ii][0]] # myy = myembedding[testX[ii][1]] # print "type", err[1][ii], "input", testX[ii], "truth", testY[ii], "pred", results["probs"][ii], "predSanity", discr(myx[0],myx[1],myy[0],myy[1]) ################################ sess.close()